. . . I spent the day with the Saints in Glasgow and as I had not time to go to Paisley and the other neighboring branches oen [UNCLEAR, POSSIBLY owing] to having to stay in Edenburgh over Sabbath. I went in search of the Saints meeting in Edenburgh but thought that I had known had moved to America so that I did not find their meeting in the forenoon, but found out that they met in Mary's Chapel. I met with them and bore testimony to the work of the Lord. I met again with them in the [p.374] the [SIC] evening. Took 4 of my friends with me. I did not have the privilege to see the Saints in the west but the Saints in Paisley knew when I did not come on Sabbath that I would not have time to go there so all that could come came to Glasgow to see me so I enjoyed their company. A few hours only and had to take the parting hand with them. Some of them conveyed us as far as Greenock, as we had some Saints from Glasgow and 2 from Paisley and several families from Edenburgh Conference. We started from the Bromielan on the fire being at 4 o'clock.
On 12th Sept. Stopped an hour at Grenock where we took the parting hand with the remainder of our brethren in Scotland and I [-]. [p.375] We then started for Liverpool and spent a long weary night on the boat as boats in this country have no beds for steerage passengers but we did not have much sickness as the most of us was sick between Aberdeen and Granton Pier.
We landed at Liverpool on the 13 at 1 o'clock and anchored in the river as the tied was in. I went ashore in a small boat and went to Mary Bruit and Feildens of so to see where the ship was and I met Mr. Pratt as I went up and learned that the ship lay in Waterloo Dock and her name was the Sidney of Boston commanded by Captain Cowen. I then went to her and found Brother Hiram Clark there given out the berths and I took by our berths on the larboard side [--] [p.376] Numbers 37, 38, 39, 40 and 42. I then went down and the boat had got up to the wharf and we hired a carter to take our luggage to the ship for 6 shillings and we sleeped aboard of the Sidney on 13th of Sept. and we lodged there until we started and provided ourselves with such things as we wanted. We bought straw for our beds at 1/8 per stone and we got boiled water and room to eat our meat in a cook house for 1 each we was not allowed fire on board until the ship sailed as no fire is allowed within the docks at Liverpool.
On Saturday 17th of Sept. we went through the docks and started about 9 o'clock with 180 passengers for New Orleans. We sailed for a few miles but the wind died and the tide took us back [p.377] so that we had to anchor opposite Liverpool until the turn of the [tied] did rise.
Morning 18.. When we got a steam tug to take us down the river. I standed to prayer the first night by the directions of Elders [John] Greenhow and Watt. The wind was favorable today.
Sep 19. We had a fair wind today so that we had to bet and it was counseled that it would be the best order to have prayers at the main hatch when the weather would permit. There was some sickness but not much in our family.
20 wind was more favorable. The greater part of the passengers were sick and my mother was bad with a dysentery.
21 we had a strong breeze today and all our people were sick but W. [William] Donald and Robert Wright. We lost sight of land today.
22nd we had a fair wind today and the most of the passengers were still sick. [p.378]
23rd my mother some better. Today numbers are sick yet. The wind from the west.
24th had a strong breeze from the west and a good many sick still.
25th a fine day and sickness nearly disappeared. I got some cayenne pepper from Elder Richards to my mother as she was very bad in a dysentery and I gave her some consecrated oil. This being Sabbath the meeting was opened by Elder Richerds [Richards] and Elder Grenhon [John Greenhow] preached forenoon and Elder Watt in the afternoon. We have had a good day of it.
26 This is the finest day we have had and sickness is almost disappeared.
28 We had strong breeze today. My mother gets better.
29 Calm this morning and St. Mary Island in sight in the afternoon. A [p.379] fine breeze.
30 We passed a ship this morning. Had a fine breeze and mother got better.
October 1st it is calm and the ship lies to the south.
2nd Being Sabbath Elder William R. Mlelenin [McLean] the forenoon. In the afternoon with we sacrament was administered by Elder Greenhow and Watt then, Elder Levi Richards spoke of the Missouri persecution and exhorted the Saints to be faithful. I followed him and bore testimony to what he had said, and in the evening Elders Greenhow and Watt. In the evening mother is well now.
3rd Was a fine day. The captain killed a pig and made a present of some pork to the passengers. We passed another ship and Elder Key [Kay] preached in the afternoon. Elder Wright opened the meeting for him and Elder Greenhow spoke after him.
4th In the forenoon we had some rain. [p.380] In the afternoon and elder gave a lecture on phrenology, another is getting start now.
5th Was a calm and very warm and Elder G.D. Watts gave another lecture on phrenology.
6th A calm and 3 ships in sight. We sighted [-] with her. It was very warm and the captain put up a sail overhead to keep the sun off us. Elder Kay preached and Elder Harison [Richard Harrison] followed him.
7th Had a good breeze ahead and passed 5 ships.
8th It was squally and a good many sick awhile [-]. Brother John Yets [Yates] died early this morning and was committed to a watery grave in the afternoon. Elder Greenhow officiated on the occasion and all the passengers and crew was present the scene was so calm. [p.381] [-] 2 vessels in this morning.
9th Elder Greenhow preached this aft evening on the Book of Mormon. A strong breeze from northeast and some more sick. It being Sabbath but two met in the forepart to have meeting.
10th Fair wind all met in the evening Elder Greenhow preached.
11th A fine day and Elder Richards preached in the afternoon.
12th A fine day and Elder Greenhow spoke on the fulfillment of prophecies which caused some discussion to take place between him and Mr. Brunt a [-] in principle. The [-] got route and insisted that he would not trouble him any more.
13th Was a fine day and in the afternoon one of the sailors fell from the fore yard and never spoke [p.382] again although he lived for ten hours.
14th We had a fair wind today and the flag was put half yard high and at ten the bell tolled and the corpse was [-] into a piece of canvas and a quantity of stones put to his feet. Elder Greenhow was called to officiate, as he did in the usual order and he was committed to his watery grave. The flag was then hoisted to the top of the spanker until 12 o'clock then it was taken down and the seamen then went to work as usual. Afterwards the passengers assembled and Elder Greenhow spoke on the resurrection and the privilege of those that had not the privilege of obeying it in this state of existence that all would have the [p.383] privilege. There was some further discussion between Mr. Brunt and Elder Greenhow.
15th A fine day and the wind fair. In the evening Elder G. D. Watt spoke and showed that the sects of the day could not help the state that they were now in. He also spoke on the gifts of the spirit and showed that there was many false spirits and showed that the Saints might be deceived by the false spirits and showed that we had not as yet got that power that the ancients that the authority that we had received did not authorize us (the elders) to go forth and say to the sick [-] and it shall all be so or to command the waves or the wind and now that it would be so or to the blind receive your sight that we had not that authority conferred on us as [p.384] fore. [-] born and continued to blow through the night.
5th We had the roughest sea that we have had since we started today. The child is still very sick. There are 5 sail in sight today. We have passed the Tertuges Lighthouse. It continues a strong breeze and the wind favor. I have been assisting to serve out provisions this afternoon. Some have been sick today. John Donald took the fever tonight and fell into a fit of the cramps they thought he was dead but the doctor prescribed a warm bath for him so that he got better.
6th This morning was squally Brother [-] child died this morning at 3 o'clock and was committed to the watery grave. Elders Richards and Watt officiated and we intended to have another meeting but [p.385] the weather did not permit as it became squally. 4 sail in sight today. One passed us from New York, passed us about 2 o'clock called the "Ambasender." It continued. Wet and squally through the night. 2 of W. [William] Donald's Margaret and Helen are in their [-].
7th This morning at 3 it blowed hard and rained and the wind turned ahead today W. [William] Donald's children are sick today, especially Margaret. Afternoon. She has got a [-] the wind is a little more favorable. The ship lies her course. We had thought to enter the river today by 10 o'clock but the head wind has reverted us. Some are sick yet Sister [Grace] Crier. We are getting the last of our provision served out tonight. The night fine and the wind ahead.
8th The morning fine but the wind still ahead John and Margaret Donald are still sick, some others are still sick. 3 ships in sight. A fine afternoon and the [p.386] [-]
Oct. 16 this being Sabbath and a fine day we had 3 meetings on deck. In the forenoon Elder Watts spoke on the same subject as he did last night and made it more clear and in the afternoon Elder Pareson [Harrison] ended the meeting and gave it up to be occupied by the Saints when I and a number of others bore testimony and in the evening Elders Richards and Pareson [Harrison] spoke.
17th Was a fine day and very warm and in the evening Elder Benson preached.
18th It was calm and Elder Watt went to Elder Greenhow and wished him to be reconciled but he would not. He then proposed to go to him with other 2 but Greenhow said that he would not settle it until they get to Nauvoo. I [p.387] was much grieved to see our heads at variance sickness and death prevailing in our midst and no faith to go to the Lord in the state we was in and knowing that we had no authority to try a high priest. Elder Richards asked in what I thought I said that we could not attend to the sacrament as we were then and I thought that it would be better to just let it stand as they could not be reconciled as it would do much hurt to this that had not obeyed the gospel. In the evening Elder Richards spoke and showed what we might do to preserve our healths, as we were in a climate that required more attention to ourselves than the one that we had left.
19th A gentle breeze and saw some seaweed.
20th A strong breeze ahead and passed a ship.
21st A breeze this morning and some were sick, but it calmer toward night.
22nd A strong breeze. At 9 o'clock it began to storm and thunder and lightning and rained very heavy till one o'clock. In the evening the starboard stencil boom on the fore yard broke.
23rd It was Sabbath. A strong breeze and squally so that a number of the sails was torn so that they had to put up new ones. We were going with reefed topsails.
24th We had a strong from the north and passed another vessel.
25th We had a good breeze today from the north.
26th Light breeze this morning and came by night.
27th Light breeze from southeast. Saw a fire. Calm at night.
28th We had another death this morning at 4 in the morning. She was Sister Canon, the wife of Elder J. Canon, and she was committed to her watery grave at 4 in the afternoon and Elder Greenhow officiated in the usual manner. It was a solemn time. In the evening Elder Greenhow commenced to preach when Elder Richards interfered and told him that he would have to be reconciled to Elder Watt before he could preach. Elder Greenhow showed a very bad spirit but after some conversation acknowledged his fault and Elder Watt was sent for and they were reconciled to the satisfaction and joy of the Saints. Then Elder Greenhow went on with his discourse. The wind rose before the meeting was done, it had been a calm before. [p.390] [NOTE: PROBLEM HERE WITH PAGINATION]
29th A fair breeze today from the east in the evening Elder William McLean preached in the evening.
30th It being Sabbath and coming in the forenoon Elder Hareson [Harrison] opened the meeting and spoke and Elder Greenhow spoke after him. At one o'clock a child of Mr. Kays died in the scarlet fever and was committed to his watery grave at 4 in the afternoon and Elder Greenhow officiated on the occasion. It stormed so that we had no more meeting. We saw a ship in the evening going the same course with us.
31st It was squally this morning so that we had to go with reefed top sails for a short time but it was calm or night and Elder Watt preached. [p.391]
November 1st This morning it was calm. By ten we had a soft breeze. We saw the same ship this morning that we saw on the 30th, supposed to be the "Medford" from Liverpool to New Orleans with passengers under charter by President Feilden. Mr. Kay has another child sick today, thought to be in the fever. In the evening it [-]. Lakie, a priest, preached and we were on the out look for land. In 2 this morning there was a sail in sight on each bow and at 8 o'clock the mate saw land in the region and by 9 o'clock we saw it from the deck it was a real keeper reckoning as we did not need to alter our course any when we saw land neither were they mistaken. In the distance as it was exactly the distance they said. We saw another ship on our starboard side. [p.392] The land was one of the Bohemia Islands, belongs to England the name of this island is Abaca or the hole in the wall. It has a light house and they that keep it are the only inhabitants. It looks green and some trees and bushes, has a rock stand of a little so that there is a gap and the within that a pen goes through so that we could see through and it is called the hole in the wall. Afternoon we are to the south of the island and a light wind but fair and the [-] sails set a ship on our larboard bow. A schooner ahead of us and a ship on our starboard quarter. After night the ship on our larboard bow put up a light which our cabin answered them by putting out a light and he bore down on us by 10 o'clock and she turned out to be the "Rokol" from Liverpool, sailed on the 3 of Oct. had 60 passengers. Told us that the 2nd ship sailed with the Saints on the 21 Sept. and [p.393] the third on the 1 of Oct. Her name was the "Henry." She told us of a great fire at Liverpool since we left. She then parted from us to cross the banks and we are going up Provence Channel with with [SIC] a fine wind.
3rd We had a fine wind this morning. A ship in sight. At noon we were in sight of the brothers 2 rocks so called and big [-] then the hen and chickens. A boy belonging to Mr. Kay died today bout 1 o'clock and I have just been laying hands on another child in the fever. The funeral was at 5 this afternoon. Elder Hareson [Harrison] and Greenhow officiated. We passed the light house on the [-]. This evening we were using the lad line through the night the 4 a fair wind. Today we are in the Florida Gulf. 4 sail in sight, 2 behind and 2 before we are gaining on the one before. We think she is the "Rokol." The child is still sick. We are just passing an island and lighthouse called the Double Head [--] and a fine breeze. Evening it became squally and carried of the [p.394] yet (he spoke this that those on board might learn that we were not sent to do miracles as some thought that we the elders might heal the sick or have raised up the sailor that fell down from the yard and was killed and even some of the Saints had been professing to great power) but exhorted them to contend for the faith of the ancients and that gifts that the Lord had promised to them that believed and he saw that he wished them to understand him. Though that he believed that many had been healed and he knew that others had spoke in the gift of tongues and that others interpreted it and that it was the privilege of all to receive gifts [-] and [p.395] to have a knowledge for themselves but he misled them to understand that the power had not yet been given to them to command this and it should be so. He said that he wished the Saints and elders to know their privileges and not to profess to that which they had not received, but that there was other ordinances yet to attend to when they should receive an endowment from on high and then they would go out with power. Some did not receive and Elder Greenhow after meeting called it all delusion and thought Elder Richards tried to convince him. He still persisted and manifested a very bad spirit and it caused a division amongst the brethren as he spoke very disrespectful of Elder Watt. [p.396] Wind still ahead and we are still in the Gulf. There is a general bustle of preparing to go ashore. A number of the water casks have been taken on deck and taken down and packed up for returning to England. Margaret Donald has been very ill tonight so that she was not expected to live anytime.
9th The wind was leading this morning and a fine day. They see some rough. 4 o'clock afternoon we took the pilot aboard. Margaret Donald is a little better. The evening is fine. The lighthouse in sight and 24 ships. A great bustle about getting ready for landing. About sundown a steam tug took us in tow and took us on the bar. She lay along side until eleven then she tried to get us off again but could not. So she lay until morning.
10th She got ready and the seamen trimmed the vessel and and [SIC] put for it part of the cargo as she was light by the head and after breakfast all the [p.397] passengers went aboard of the tug and she made another exertion but it was all in vain as she never moved her. They hoisted the flag for another steamer so she came and they both tried her again at 12 o'clock but never moved her. So they stopped until after dinner and they tried her again but never moved her, so Daniel Webster left us and the purpose stayed with us. Margaret Donald is very weak and is not expected to live. John is worse and W. [William] Donald Junior has been taken sick this afternoon and is [-]. We are just preparing to have the ship off the bank or to make another exertion. The day has been fine and a number of ships have passed by us up the river. The tug tried again at 6 am, at 10, and 12, but never moved her. I commenced fishing after breakfast and [-----------] began [p.398] to catch some young cat fish and we soon had fish enough. We had fresh fish for supper the first of America we had got.
11th At 3 this morning the steamer got us off the bank and we anchored half past 9 in the mouth of the Mississippi River the seamen were inspected and at 8 o'clock we raised the anchor and started for New Orleans as the wind was fair and sailed until the steam tug "Porpoise" came up to us then she took us in tow to New Orleans and we got there at 12 o'clock at night. They told us that the "Medford" was fast on the bar as she went out to sea to find another ship to tow up along with us, but found none. A great many ships and brigs passed this morning as we lay at anchor [p.399] but the wind got ahead so that when we got ahead so that when we got the steamer we soon passed them. W. [William] Donald's children are all sick tonight.
12th This morning we took the counsel of Elder Levi Richards and we went in search of a house and I carried a letter to a daughter of Petter Fergison [Peter Ferguson] at Aberdeen and her husband told me that Joe Smith had shot or caused the governor of Missouri to be shot and they were trying to take Joe and called him a great imposter. I found several houses to set at 8 dollars per month or 5 for half a month I went back to the ship and got W. [William] Donald and we went and tried a number of places and at last we rented a room for half [p.400] a month for 4 elders. Then we went and carried up the children and their beds and placed them in their lodging, No. 8 Saint Marks Street, opposite Saint Mary's Market. The rest of us lodged in the ship. Only my mother that stayed to assist them to nurse our president and council were looking out for a boat to take us to St. Louis and they thought that they would take the "Alexander Scott" but did not settle the bargain as they expected the "Medford" and that her passengers would go with us so that we might go the cheaper.
13th This being Sabbath we did not expect to do anything but we were greatly mistaken for the markets and stores were all open and doing business as usual and the carters driven on the same as if any day so we began to see that it was a free country those that want [p.401] to worship can worship can worship [SIC] and those that want to work or pleasure can do so as we saw them drinking and dancing and playing all kind of music and games. As we returned to the ship from W. [William] Donald's lodging his family was a little better as they had got quite a rest and we expect that they will be fit to go up the river again Tuesday. The "Medford" landed at our stern at 1 o'clock and I went aboard and was glad to see some children in the gospel landed on the land of Joseph then Elder Hyde and Richards and others went and settled and learned what the whole company could be taken up for and they found the "Alexander Scott" to give the favorable best offer taken all things into consideration and Elder Hide [Hyde] came aboard our ship and addressed the [p.402] company and told that he was truly thankful to his Heavenly Father that he and his company were safe landed especially for the near escape that they had. Me [-] the steamer blew up that was towing them off the bar at the mouth of the Mississippi River for they stuck on the bar as well as we. He then spoke of our passage up and told us that they had agreed the "Alexander Scott" to take us to St. Louis at 2 dollars each, those under 14 half and under 4 nothing. 100 pounds carried to each and 25 cents per 100 for all extra luggage and showed that she was the best bargain considering all things as be the capstan was to carry a few up that had no money so they seemed to be all reconciled after asking some questions and having them answered although there [p.403] was a good deal of murmuring because they had heard that a boat could be got at 2 dollars per head as there are those that try to break up the company if possible as it breaks their business for they have so much ahead for getting passengers and they try to destroy our plan of chartering a passage.
14th Today we got our permits and prepared to have our goods and luggage examined and to go aboard the steamboat in the afternoon I went to the captain of the "Alexander Scott" and he got the cooks to pass their room to W. [William] Donald's family as we thought to take them along as they looked a little better, so we agreed to pay the cooks 5 dollars for their room during the passage and expected to sail this evening by it rained so that they could not [p.404] get on with the inspection of the passengers luggage so the boat came and took off some passengers from another ship and the captain said he would not wait as they were not ready then the murmuring began again with both Saints and sinners. Then she came along side of us and concluded to stay until morning and when our passengers went aboard and saw her crowded already and no place but amongst the engine the murmuring increased and I thought at one time that they would go and take a passage for themselves W. D. [William Donaldson's] children not so well today William and Anne seems to be worse. We lodged another night on board the Sidney.
15th I went to town to see W. [William] Donald's family and to conclude about their going. I found William and Anne at the [p.405] fever and I told them that if the children were mine that I would not take them out, neither did I believe if they on the boat knew the state that they were in that they would take them on so they concluded to stay and have my mother to stay with them and the rest of us go up and W. [William] Donald's luggage with us so we put aboard the steamer being inspected by the customs house officer and started at 2 o'clock and most all our company came along but the passengers of the "Medford" was not ready neither was there room for them. She is a fine boat. She is going 16 miles per hour. Our murmuring has ceased and they have concluded to put up with there lot for all the time. The place we are in is just between the engines. One has had a sore throat this 2 day.
16th We [p.406] are going on at a good speed we passed and stopped a few moments at Natchez today at 12 o'clock we are amused with the scenery as we pass along. We see them driving the cotton to the river side for the steamboats to carry to market and we have met a number of boats going down and a number of farmer barges with [-] to New Orleans. They build a barge and loads her down and then sell barge and all. Anne Wright is a little better today. It is wet and foggy this afternoon. We stopped a sort time [at] Vicksburg, landed some passengers and the passengers bought some provisions. They charge higher here for provisions than at New Orleans. 12 o'clock at night when we stopped here and all made well.
17th Today we passed a boat that left New Orleans on Saturday which was 2 days before [p.407] said of the river then they tried to get over but ran aground and we had to build fires and stay by them all night which caused great murmuring and many of the Saints excused themselves in drinking spirits to warm them as they thought some were intoxicated. The night was cold and frost and the ice ran thick in the river.
21st After day light they came ashore with a scow and took the women and children ashore off the boat then they brought out another load of luggage and took the rest of the passengers aboard and then they took out the rest of the luggage and sent the passengers ashore again. The boat started a little, but stuck again so that they took the passengers aboard for the night and let the men go to bed as they had all been on duty for 2 days and a night.
22nd After breakfast all the provisions chests and bedding and cooking utensils and passengers were put ashore again. We raised a fire and cooked our dinner and supper and had a short washing to each of us and in the evening the boat got up and the luggage was put aboard and the passengers went aboard for the night.
23rd Early this morning the boat started, several boats past us while we were on the shore. We sailed [p.408] about 40 miles and [--] to sound and after sounding found that we could not get over so we stopped for the night.
24th The cabin passengers began to leave, some by land and others by boats going past the river is falling a boat coming on from St. Louis. Got snagged a short distance above us and sunk. No prospects of us getting up as the river is still falling and the frost is hard.
25th Cabin passengers were told that they would have to pay for their board if they stayed and the steerage passengers were restricted from burning any more wood belonging to the ship so that some went out and camped and others cut wood and brought it. We took up our abode by the side of an [--]. Stayed there and cooked and kept ourselves warm by gathering wood and keeping on a fire from morn to night and sleeped aboard the boat all night. The weather is fine, but cold and frosty.
26th Passengers are daily leaving, some by other boats going up, some to houses, and others to go up by land, but no chance for our boat as the river still falls. The boat that sunk above us has delivered her cargo and is putting in a bulks head of clay to close the leak so that they may get her off.
27 It is Sabbath today, but no respect is paid to it. Some as they continue to carry off their luggage and rather an extra quantity has been moved today. We [-] [p.409] the mood is light and it looks to be poor sail.
18th We passed the Arkansas River at 2 this morning which is said to be half distance. We had a very cold night of it. Some hail fell last night and it freezes so that the decks are covered with ice. We have had to put on our winter dresses today. Father has not been very well today. Anne [Ann] and Marey [Mary] is better. Petter [Peter] Murphy had his hat and shoes stolen last night and another man had his watch stolen from his berth when he was out at the privy. At ten tonight we stopped a few minutes at Memphis and put ashore some passengers and goods and took on some passengers and bought some provisions, but did with as little as possible as everything was most double price, but bread and we bought little put but bread. We fixed our beds for a winter night so we slept comfortable.
19th This morning frost here, but was calm. The boat stopped at sunrise to [p.410] to [SIC] take in [-]. A number went ashore. Some took guns but shot nothing but a small hawk. One man shot 2 partridges last night. Father is better and all well. We passed a boat at noon stuck on a shoal and seemed to be very fast. We came through where the water was 8 foot. At 2 o'clock a barge came along side and gave us a supply of wood. We have met a great number of barges with produce and cattle. We are sailing along the state of Arkansas on our left and Mississippi on our right. Then we came [to] Missouri on our left and Tennessee and Kentucky on our right.
20th The boat stopped at the mouth of the Ohio River this morning until day light. I drank some water out of the Ohio which was clear and good to drink. We started at day light and through the forenoon we passed through a very snaggy place. There were 4 wrecked boats. Some were snagged and others blown up and burned. In the afternoon we were all put ashore as we had come to a ridge of rock and a shoal called [-]. We was ashore on the Missouri. [ON THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE IS WRITTEN, (turn back leaf) [p.411] My father and us went and looked at a log cabin about half a mile from the ship and we concluded to take it as we intended to go to work and to move the luggage, my father, and the women into a house until the boat got up. In the afternoon, my father and I went to Chester and obtained liberty to occupy the cabin until the boat got up by paying for the wood that we burned from Mr. Col, but two of the name of Boid [Boyd] moved into the same house on Sabbath and took possession of it [28th] and Canon [Cannon] [PROBABLY, George Cannon] went in the morning. I went and told them that we had agreed for the house, but they would not let it go as they said they would pay his asking [price] and stay. I then went Chester to Mr. Col and told him and he said he would come down and turn them out but then went to his brother as he had gone to St. Louis and left his brother to act for him. They went and agreed with him that they might stay and pay what he asked for it. I asked to Mr. Boid [Boyd] in the afternoon and he told me what he had done. I told him that it was very underhand work and that I should know a man by his actions, so we could not get the house. There was a boat called the "Ohio" came down to assist the one that sunk [p.412] to get off so that the hopes was that we might get up with her.
29th We still lie 3 miles below Chester in the state of hellness. We are still living in the woods by day and in the boat a night we get our dinners most every day by shooting and plenty of grapes to pull from the vines that hang on the trees. The game is not very plenty here and it is generally of the small kind such as squirrels and quails, deers turkeys, &c. Prairie hens are seldom to be seen here. It is a poor place here and very little work to be got and wages low as there was no appearance to get away. Elder Richards called the official members of the Church of Jesus Christ to assemble together in a grove by Elder Hareson [Harrison] and when we met there we went to a goly [UNCLEAR], back of a small log cabin occupied by [Thomas] Fairbridge and Kay. Were [went] to the boat. Elder Richards then told them what he had called them together for to know who was to be on the Lord's side and who was not and spoke concerning the transgressions that existed and the violation of the words of wisdom. They did not all appear and we sent for them and while they were gone. There was a proposal that a committee should be appointed to go and by some provision wholesale that the company might obtain it [p.413] cheaper. Elders [Levi] Richards, Watt, [William] McLean, and Harison [Richard Harrison] to buy pork and beef and to bring in for the company the brethren then had come and as it was let, we had no time to go into particulars, but consented to be on the Lord's side and to keep the word of wisdom. The meeting then adjourned until Thursday at 2 o'clock to meet at Elder Boid's [Boyd's], a half mile from the boat.
30th Today I went in search of work and accompanied Elders [Levi] Richard and Watt and Hareson [Richard Harrison] too, in search of provision. We found that the cheapest we could find was 2 dollars per hundred and on fat for both and I could find no work but was to call in the morning to know if I could get some work to gather corn.
Dec. 1st This morning I started with 2 more to gather corn if it was wanted, but the farmer had but one time, so that he could not employ us. We still live as before and are washing today. At 2 o'clock the council met as agreed. Meeting was opened and the business that had to be done commenced by considering the rest that provisions could be bought at and that the good prices would be more than 2 cents and the bad less so that they could not agree, and taken [p.414] all things, to consideration it was agreed that every one should buy his own the best way he could. The meeting after doing some other business, adjourned to Monday.
Dec. 2nd I went in search of work this morning but found none but agreed with a farmer for a hog. At 2 dollars per hundred I then returned to the boat and found that Elder [Levi] Richards was willing to take the half of the hog Elder Watt went with me to the farmer and chose the one we thought best and he brought it in the evening and we divided it in quarters to different families.
The Dec. 3, I went to see some chopping and my Brother James went with me and we concluded to take it although [p.415] we were only to get 40 cents a cord for chopping. We went home and I concluded to take a days travel into the country to see if I could find any work.
Dec. 4 Being Sabbath, I spent the day at our camp in the wood and at night went aboard of the boat to sleep. As usual, a number of strangers visit us today and much opposed to Joseph Smith and the Mormons. One gentle man entered into conversation with Elder [Levi] Richards and he said he had found one candid Mormon. I said if he would make inquiry he would find the most of them candid men and Joseph Smith was as candid a man as ever he met with. I told him that I had proven that for myself.
Dec. 5 This morning I started with my brother Robert Wright for the 6 mile prairie for a distance of 20 miles. We got there little after sun down and as we knew no person save a Mr. [William] Brunt who came on the ship Sidney with us from England who had bought Mr. Hind's [p.416] farm and knowing that Mr. Hind was a Latter-day Saint I though of lodging there and we began to inquire for Mr. Hinds, but we was yet some way from his farm. As it got dark we called at a Mr. Crows to inquire the way and he said as it was dark we might lay [-] our gun and stay for the night. I thanked him and said we would be glad of the chance. So we sat down and after speaking few words he asked me if I was a Latter-day Saint. I said I was. He said he should be very happy to spend the evening with a brother, so I felt quite at home and enjoyed their company through the evening and after attending to family worship went to bed
Dec. 6 After breakfast I and my brother started for Brother Hinds and as we went we met him by the way and his wife, Sister Hind on horse back going to Brother Cros [POSSIBLY: Crows] to get him to go to the squire's as a witness for he gave us to understand that Mr. [William] Brunt had gone back on his bargain and had gone yesterday to the land office to enter 3 forties, one of them occupied by Brother Hind. He thought to [p.417] enter but B [Brother] Hind had entered it himself I went with him and visited Brother Castle returned to B [Brother] Crows for the night.
7th Called at B [Brother] Hinds in the morning and saw Mr. [William] Brunt and Rigbey [PROBABLY: Job Rigby] and families. I then with Robert for the boat "Alex Scott" at the mouth of Mary's River. Went by Brownstown and Gorden's Mill found no employment and as night over took us we took lodging at squire Jeffres [Jeffries] and agreed with him for some corn meal at 3 bits per bushel and agreed to cut saw logs and take a whip saw for pay if the boat stopped to let us have time.
8th We then went down to the boat and related our journey.
9th Today I and father Johns [John] Wright and Spenc [Spencer] went with me to see the saw. Father stayed overnight to come down with him [-] [p.418] in the morning with the meal and we went home and found that the boat was going to start tomorrow for St. Louis.
Dec. 10 This morning I started early and went to Squire Jeffres [Jeffries] to bring home father and the squire came with us and brought us some corn meal. The fires we had the boat raised her steam and backed down the river. All the cargo luggage and passengers were taken out and carried up above the mouth of Mary River, half a mile by horse boat. I stayed on the steam boat to assist the men as they were but few, so after getting over the bar we took the cargo and luggage aboard.
11th Being Sabbath, we started for St. Louis and got a flat boat in tow with us and when we came to shoals the passengers went on to the flat boat. We passed some grand scenery on the Missouri side. The rocks looked like the doors and pillars of ancient towers and 3 shot [p.419] towers and passed a sunk steamboat. We landed at St. Louis a little after dark. Elder Greenhow came aboard for he had gone before us and told me that William Donald was in St. Louis and 4 of his children was dead and he had one born. Elder Greenhow left us to go to Nauvoo but he stopped at St. Louis and he put a piece in one of the St. Louis newspaper stating that a number of the passengers were starving and implicating the captain and officers for not getting the boat up which was not the case and Elder Richards felt it his duty to contradict it by putting a letter in the same paper stating the circumstance as it was signed by as many as was willing to give their names as I did for one. Elder [John] Greenhow took me to William Donald's house when I was glad to them and mother. After spending a short time we [p.420] returned to the boat for the night.
12th Today we went to W. [William] Donald's and found [them] about as we left them, his wife poorly and the child very weak being born in the 8 month. Their room was very uncomfortable and their week out today, so that they had to move at [-] so we went to find out if we could get up the river. We found that we could only get up to Alton a distance of 29 miles and that there was only one boat, the "Inda" going up so I went to the captain of her and father and W. [William] Donald went to look at a house but not to settle with it until I returned. I found that the "Inda" was going and I agreed with the captain to carry us and our luggage for a dollar per head. I returned to W. [William] Donald's as I agreed to meet them [p.421] [came] and waited some time but none of them so I went down to the "Alex Scott" steamboat and Misters Richards Hareson [Harrison] and others and by inquiring we found that wood and rent was cheaper at Alton than at St. Louis, so they concluded to go up and as many as was a mind to go with them. As I started with them to go to the boat again to see the captain and he agreed to take as many as could go at a dollar per head and carry their luggage free. We met Elder John Greenhow as we went and he assailed Elder Richards for opposing his letter in the St. Louis paper. He, Elder Greenhow, manifested a very bad spirit. I left Richards, Harison [Harrison] and Carter who came on the 2 ship with him as I was hurried to let them know that we could get a boat and to see if they were to go or if they had taken a house. When I came to the boat I found that they had taken a house for a week and paid it but [p.422] that they could get it back if they wanted. So W. [William] Donald and a Scotsman of the name of Rossarho [UNCLEAR POSSIBLY: Rosnaho] pretended to be their friend but took them in as they found out afterwards. Elder Richards went with the "Inda" boat to Alton and Hareson [Harrison], Kay and Nixon and Smith with their families went with him and the rest stayed at St. Louis. We got a dray and took up our beds and provisions to our room in 7th street.
13th I went in search of work but found none.
12th I went again in search of work, heard of some wood to cut. After making further inquiry I found that they had engaged all the hands they wanted was offered at the levee several squares of wood that lay in a float in the river, but I had to wade in the river to the knees, so I did not take it.
15th I continued my [p.423] search and went to all the quarries that I could find but found no more so I returned and went to 4 uncans [UNCLEAR] and found them uncenen [UNCLEAR] at one dollar and 6 bits for strong butts and other cloths as cheap as in Britain.
16th I and by Brother James Wright started for Alton, crossed at upper ferry, paid a picayane for crossing the river. Walked to Alton, got there and was conducted to the Mansion House [in Nauvoo] by Brother Price and Peter Murphy. Got supper with Brother Nixon and I slept with Elder [Levi] Richards. . . . [p.424]
BIB: Wright, Alexander. Journal 1839 Mar.-1843 Jan. [LDS Church Archives, Ms 8284 fd. 1, pp. 374-387, 390-424; Acc. #33610] (CHL)
(source abbreviations)