Liverpool, April 9, 1855
Dear friends, I received your kind note yesterday and was glad to hear that you were all very well. I would have wrote before, but we expected notice to sail every day until I went to the office and was told that the ship was to be load [loaded] with the English Saints. We have received our notification yesterday so we and the Scottish Saints is to sail on the 19 of April with a fine new ship the Samuel Curling belonging to New York, and the last for the season with emigrants intending to go through to Utah. We have to be on board on the 18 with our luggage to be ready. We are going to New York, not to Philadelphia as was expected. We received the note which came to St. Andrew's from John Simpson and was glad to hear of their welfare. We received a note from John today letting us know that they were keeping better now [than] they were before, which makes us glad, [-] also advising us not to go no [UNCLEAR, POSSIBLY; farther] but we know better. We are both well at present hoping this will find you all the same for which we ought to be thankful to the giver of all good for that blessing. [p. 1]
A diary of a voyage from St. Andrews to Liverpool which plus we left about 6 morning and landed all safe in Edinburgh about 10 a.m. From hence to the [-] pleasants [UNCLEAR] to Brother [UNCLEAR, POSSIBLY; Ketter] and got our breakfast and then went thru the city and seed [saw] all the places of any note among the rest the regalia of Scotland and all the sodgers [UNCLEAR] put thru there [-] and then went home at tea and then to the meeting which cheered our hearts. Slept all night. Rose next morning and went to [- -] and then come to breakfast. Today the Glasgow train about 1 o'clock and [-] in Glasgow about 3 p.m. We was annoyed with a sharper in the same carriage. He took from one [-] man £3 and some more from others. From the train we went to Brother Gray and got our tea then to the meeting across the [-]. Came home to bed. Next day got breakfast, went and used the [-] of Glasgow. Rose in the morning and had fine walk. Got breakfast, went aboard the boat about 11 o'clock. Had a fine sail over the river to Grenock. Slept 1 hour. [p. 2] Left Grenock and had a fun sail down the river viewing the land and houses until dark on each side. No one on board was sick until 12 October at night when the wind rose and then they were throwing all around. Mother was a little sick but I was not. So you see we was blessed. We arrived in Liverpool about 10 on Sunday morning all safe and well. Hush was on the sea. Waiting for the boat so he took us home. Got breakfast, went to bed a little. On Monday went in search of our baggage and found it all safe. The next thing was to see the town so I have traveled every day since. Went to the Botanic Gardens which was a treat to behold to see everything is so fine, arranged in order. Every plant in the house and out is labeled with its [- -] title and a large pond with water plants and got fish. 5 large houses full of all kind of plants and a fine library all free to the public every day for their pleasure with seats and [-] to sit down in to rest yourself. [p. 3]
I have visited Birkenhead across the river and seen many strange things. Fine buildings and a splendid park [-] of the London park with everything nice and orderly and as for the shipping in Liverpool, it is like a dense forest for miles and the steamers running up and down the river and [-] every moment which is pretty to behold. Some very splendid vessels here. For my part I never seed [saw] any like them. I went thru one iron ship made up for to hold 8 hundred. Very splendid inside. She is bound for [-] again. I went to the zoological gardens and stop a whole day seeing all the scenery. All the wild animals and all the amusements and entertainments. Also the zoological museum, which was very nice to see. I have seen a great part of the town and its suburbs so you may see that I have not been idle. Some things are cheap here and some not. We purchased 2 English blankets and a cover for £1. Good so, I [-] no more at present, but remain yours, Andrew Gowan with kind love from Mother [- -] and I praying that the Lord to bless and prosper you both and Joe. [p. 4]
BIB: Gowan, Andrew. [Letter] (In possession of D.U.P) SALT LAKE CITY, pp. 1-4.
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