. . . The Stoddards [John and Janet] booked passage on the Sailor Prince. On the 24th of September, 1848, John and Janet sailed from Liverpool, England, to America. With them went David, age 18, John, age 12, and a married son James with his family. The Sailor Prince was one of the many vessels of 950 tons. The captain's name was McKechnie. L. D. Butler was the leader of the company. Orson Pratt was the emigration agent. There were 311 passengers on board. After a safe voyage, the Sailor Prince arrived in New Orleans where Elder Scovil was on hand to receive the emigrants. Four children died on board. One of the brethren was seized with a violent fever, but was healed by the prayer of faith and was anointed with oil. In some respects the officers and crew behaved badly to the Saints. Limited information is recorded of this voyage, but much general information is available. . . . [p.9]
BIB: Smith, Mary Ellen Stoddard. IN Fig Tree in Zion. p. 9. (FHL)
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