Liverpool to Montreal 13 Jun 1912
Voyage Information
- Ship Name
- Vessel Type
Screw Steamship
- Departure
- 13 Jun 1912 from Liverpool
- Arrival
- Unknown Date at Montreal
- Source
- British Mission Register. Film Number 25694. Book/Volume: 1826-1828. Notes: The dates on this are between 1903 and 1914. (source abbreviations)
Read accounts of this voyage (1)
Passengers (66)
Anderson, August
Anderson, Christina
Anderson, John E
Anderson, Thomas
Anderson, Thos
Carlquist, C A
Cederlund, John A
Dahlquist, W B
Dinesen, Anna K
Dinesen, Jorgen M
Hansen, Jas C
Hellberg, Kristina
Hellberg, Margareta E
Hicks, John R
Humphrey, William
Jensen, Sam'l P
Johanson, Jos A E
Johanson, Olof P
Johnson, Heber F
Jordison, Arthur
Jordison, Isabel
Jordison, John
Jordison, Mary
Jordison, Matthew
Jordison, Robert
Jordison, Thomas
Larson, Albert
Larson, Albert
Lassen, Agnetta
Lassen, Thos. Peter
Lindblom, Carl F.
Lindblom, H, Bretta
Lodwig, John
Logan, Richard
Lund, Arnold O
Mackay, J L
Meesters, Arie P
Nelson, N Ira
Nielsen, P W
Petterson, Elof L
Philips, Annie
Philips, Edgar
Philips, Elizabeth
Philips, John Harrold
Philips, Lewis M
Philips, Wentworth May
Pickford, Matthew
Rennie, Isabella D.
Sjodin, Agnes M
Staker, Herbert A
Thompson, Jas S
Tomlinson, Leonard
Turn, Karen I.
Udall, Agnes
Udall, Elizabeth
Udall, John R
Udall, John W
Udall, Sarah
Uries, Dirk A.
Walters, Chas A
Webb, Edith C.
Webb, Emily C
Williams, Geo M
Wood, Mary E
Young, Margaret
Young, Ralph B