Liverpool to St. Johns, N.B. 24 Jan 1919
British Mission Manuscript History Voyage Entry
‘Friday, Jan. 24 . . . Releases and Departures - -Presidents Stephen H Winter of the Bristol conference, John H Wilding of the Hull conference, Sidney L Wyatt of the Irish conference, Walton E Bodily of the Liverpool conference, Evan O Perkins of the Manchester conference, William J Loosle of the Newcastle conference, Joseph H Ririe of the Birmingham conference, and David A Owen of the Sheffield conference, and Elders Leland T Hair of the Liverpool conference, James H Ludlow of the London conference, and Henry H Parker of the Sheffield conference were honorably released January 21st, 1919 to return to their homes in Zion. They sailed from Liverpool on steamship ‘Grampian,’ January 24th. (Mill.Star, 81:93).” [BMMH,1919].
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