Liverpool to Montreal 10 Jun 1909
British Mission Manuscript History Voyage Entry
Notes: [Voyage information has a line through it.]
Church Transportation Agent. Incoming Correspondence, 1885-1923. (CR 256 1 Bx 3 fd 16) Presiding Bishop’s Office. June 26, 1909. President Joseph F. Smith and Counselors, Dear Brethren: The company of emigrants leaving Liverpool June 10th, 1909, on the steamship Dominion, for Montreal, in charge of Elder Jedediah Snedeker, arrived in Salt Lake City, June 25th, 1909. The company consisted of 2 elders and 16 saints. The company had a good trip across the ocean, good treatment from stewards and officers. Held one Sunday meeting, other passengers attended. Arrived at Quebec, all passed emigration officers, no improper questions asked. Proceeded to Montreal, good car provided for the company and good attention from the railroad officials, agent accompanied the company part of the way. At Cheyenne a number of Italians were allowed to enter the car which made it very disagreeable for the company, the elder in charge protested against it but to no avail. The elder in charge had some trouble with the baggage, there was no time to give each individual their baggage check, they counted the trunks and then handed the checks in bulk, and on arrival at Salt Lake the elder in charge had to personally see each person got their trunk as he held the checks. Arrived in Salt Lake – all had friends to meet them. Respectfully submitted, CW Nibley, OP Miller, David A Smith. (source abbreviations)