“On April 28, [1892], Elder Charles W. Olson, who had labored in the Goteborg Conference, Lars Johan Henstrom, who had labored in the Stockholm Conference since May 1890, and Niels J. Andersen left Copenhagen to return to their homes in Utah. These Elders were accompanied by 21 emigrating Saints. Eight emigrating Saints who left Christiania, Norway, April 29th, joined the Copenhagen company to England.” [HSM, 325]
“Saturday, May 7. The steamship ‘Wisconsin’ sailed from Liverpool with [BLANK SPACE] Saints on board, namely, 21 emigrating Saints from Great Britain, and fourteen returning Elders, to wit: Samuel S. Newton, Thos. [Thomas] Wheatley [Jr.] and John F. Merrill from the British Mission; Louis W. Simmons, Joseph H. Lambert and Albert Spencer from the Netherlands Mission; C. W. Olsen, L. J. Henstrom and Niels J. Anderson from the Scandinavian Mission, and Jacob Frei, Henry Teuchey [Teuscher], H. Borland, John O. Kerl and Jacob Grimm from the Swiss and German Mission. (Orig. Doc.)” [BMMH, 1892].
(source abbreviations)